Life ain’t easy for a busy transgender advertising executive.As a busy transgender advertising executive I am constantly amazed at the amount of work I find myself doing. It is, however, nothing…Feb 28Feb 28
You’ll never get it all in!“You are never going to get all that in there,” I said to Sylvester.Feb 19Feb 19
Brazil isn’t just about Rio.I love travelling to Brazil. It goes without saying that Rio de Janeiro is an exciting city, both historic and forward thinking. When it…Feb 18Feb 18
It might be the most LGBTQ bathroom in Brazil.I don’t really like to approach the bathroom issue. It seems so divisive for some people.Feb 15Feb 15
Make no mistake about who is in the cross hairs now.Yesterday CNN carried a story about the word ‘Transgender’ being erased from the Stonewall Monument .Feb 14Feb 14
Seal the blast doors.I do love to travel. So much so, that when a friend invited me to travel to Curatiba in Brazil I was not going to turn down the offer.Feb 1Feb 1
How the USA is becoming the new China.As the new regime takes further steps to adopt bigoted policies, in Washington a strange irony is playing out. While The Whitehouse rails…Jan 283Jan 283
I’m cutting off my member!Now, you likely know that Max, my neighbours son, looks after the technology here at the enormous corporate entity that is…Jan 253Jan 253
I was thinking about going to the inauguration, but I have a hair appointment.“That’s a nasty gash you’ve got there,” I said to Amanda, as she was bending over.Jan 19Jan 19