Clothes Maketh The Man — Part 28.

Fiona Dobson
6 min readFeb 1, 2023

I drove quietly along the road, noticing a series of police vehicles, lights ablaze, moving in the opposite lane. In as calm and unhurried manner as possible I slipped along the road, my mind racing.

What on earth could brother Billy be mixed up in? And why had my room been searched? Were the two questions connected?

I headed toward my hotel feeling increasingly uneasy. When I saw a nearby Starbucks I parked the car and wandered in to collect my thoughts and have a coffee. It was all very perplexing.

I decided the best move was to touch base with Steve back in the calmer more conservative world of Chicago. I was almost feeling homesick for the chill morning air of the lake, as I sent a brief email. Even Devina, playing idly with the key of a chastity device would leave me feeling less trapped than the sensation that was growing inside me.

“Odd happenings in Miami. BB just got arrested. How kosher is St.A’s?”

Almost immediately I got a reply.

“They’re Catholic, not Jewish.”

“Something smells funny,” I replied.

“Not shellfish or pork.” Came the chimed text response on my phone. Great, Steve was in the mood for comedy. I wouldn’t get much help from that quarter.



Fiona Dobson

The trans blog you’ll love even if you’ve never tried on your sister’s panties.