Poison Part 9 — It’s just one little pill.

Fiona Dobson
4 min readJun 14, 2024

You’ll remember I mentioned Sergey Lazovski, the Russian pharmaceutical engineer who first worked on the idea of genetic retraining. He really was a quite brilliant man. He kept copious notes in his precise copper plate handwriting.

A treasure trove of notebooks had fallen into my hands when I’d taken over the department I now ran, and the unusual and unique ideas within them had largely been overlooked by anyone aware of their existence. These days it’s almost as though, if it’s not on the net it never happened.

Needless to say I spent a good number of hours reading those journals. And even with my knowledge of pharmacy I knew that the contents held within those pages was indeed priceless. As was being proved by my little experiment with Blair.

He had come on beautifully. And the changed had not merely been the shape of his body. His psychological shift was extraordinary.

He had become so excited a few days ago after discovering an adult toy in my bedroom, that he had barely been able to contain himself. He couldn’t take his eyes from the object, and kept shifting uneasily.

I knew the signs, of course. Every cell in his sissy carcass was screaming out to be taken, and his brain — never the most active of organs in Blair — was simply not able to process these strange…



Fiona Dobson

The trans blog you’ll love even if you’ve never tried on your sister’s panties. http://FionaDobson.com