Your failure to understand the issue that you're talking about is one of the problems the transgender community faces today. First of all, no responsible parent, teacher or doctor even suggests gender reassignment without a myriad of assessments and medical examinations. It simply doesn't and can't happen. A tiny fraction of people suffering from gender dysphoria will get treatment - which likely includes nothing more than puberty blockers - and usually only if the child is literally suicidal with their condition. That's a tiny number. In the last 5 years it is less than 5000, in a population of 330 million Americans.
I can't help wondering what you think happens in reassignment. Do you suppose the child shows up for math class and is then handed a pill and suddenly they are a girl? No. It really doesn't work like that.
Second, phrasing it like this is a pure trolling exercise. So, I won't go further. However, I do suggest you learn a little about the subject. Meet some trans people. You'll learn that no one goes down this road unless they really have to.
Good luck.